4 Questions With MASC artist… Tina LeMoine
Tina Le Moine was born in Berlin, Germany. She left her hometown and her teaching career during the turbulent “fall of the wall” to study art and media in Holland. Tina has lived and worked in animation in Vancouver and Montreal, and she now resides in Ottawa spending her time teaching animation, creating, and enjoying life.
Tina is a proud MASC artist. MASC is Wellington West’s charity partner this ARTS Season. The Ottawa-based arts organization represents a roster of 138 professional artists of diverse backgrounds, who offer workshops, performances, and artist-in-residence programs in all artistic disciplines to schools and communities across Canada.
1. Tell us about some of the artistic work you’ve done in Wellington West:
Through MASC and as a parent, I have been giving regular workshops at Summit Alternative school on Holland Ave. Both my kids went there, and I gave animation workshops as part of their yearly initiative of inviting NGO’s and artists to the school. In my workshops one year we created animation videos around the theme of children’s rights with amazing results.
2. What do you find inspiring about Wellington West?
The community! I chat with my neighbours, and I love seeing the kids play on the streets. It inspires my movies. My neighbours kids helped me make a movie that I created this year in another community. Due to the school closures I couldn’t go there and they contributed to that movie by making art and recording their voices. So cool.
3. What are some of your favourite spots to visit when you’re out and about in Hintonburg and Wellington Village?
My favorite places in Wellington Village are, not in any particular order:
Bridgehead, because I love tea and I love the community and both those I get there.
Herb & Spice because I can get local, organic food there.
Sushi Umi, my favorite restaurant. We go there once a week, or order from them. Always fresh!
Metro, everyone is so friendly and I can always find everything I need.
4. What projects do you have coming up?
Right now with MASC, I am working mostly online. One project I work on is connecting seniors with students by letting the seniors tell a story and the students animate those. I also have an upcoming project with my friend and fellow filmmaker Pixie Cram. We did some tests last summer, shooting in the photostudio next to Bridgehead (technically Hintonburg), and we might be renting studio space in the neighbourhood again this summer. This project is shot in pixilation, a type of animation where you use people as your characters, moving them the same way you would do with objects in stop-motion.
For more info on Tina’s work, check out her website