FIND 4,361 balls of cozy inspiration
When Judy Enright purchased Wabi Sabi last June, she was personally drawn to all the things that make the shop so appealing. “I love the colours, the textures and most especially the people. I was overwhelmed by all the folks who thanked me for buying the store and keeping it open. I didn’t realize there was such a big group of hard core knitters out there!”
Although her first love is knitting, Judy – who holds a fine arts degree – also loves to sew, quilt, weave and spin. The classes held at Wabi Sabi reflect that multidisciplinary approach, with courses in beginner and advance knitting, crochet, macramé, felting, weaving, spinning and much more on offer.
Wabi Sabi opened ten years ago and Judy is quick to point out that while it had great bones and loyal followers from across the region, her vision was to help modernize things. A new Shopify-driven online store, launching this spring, is a great example of this. A quest to find a Guinness World Record they can break is another, not to mention some fun community yarn bombing projects Judy has in mind.
That’s not to say that taking time to relish the centuries-old appeal of knitting is being cast off (pun intended). The shop hosts weekly sip and stitch sessions as well as knit and spin nights which serve to bring people together in a supportive and productive atmosphere while also raising funds for charity. “I think what draws people to knitting and fibre arts is the joy of making something with your hands instead of technology,” says Judy.
Everyone on staff at Wabi Sabi is what Judy calls a ‘knitting savant’, with some also being talented spinners and weavers. “One of our very favourite things is having people visit to show us what they have made. Knitting, crocheting and the like are not just for grandmas or aunties anymore – we have men and women of all ages coming in.”
For more fresh FINDs from Wellington West, check back here every Tuesday!
Keyword tags: WWBIA, Wellington West, Ottawa, craft, knitting, weaving, spinning, crocheting, macramé, felting, community, charity, yarn, fibre, classes, yarn bombing, handmade