crowdfunding program
Help local merchants; get rewards like store credit after COVID and more!
Donate to any of the campaigns below to support merchants directly with much-needed revenue during COVID-19. PLUS, these stores and restaurants will give you a variety of store credits, events, charity donations, and more. Check them out!
1014 Wellington St. West
What They’re Offering:
Dollar for dollar credit! – every dollar donated can be redeemed for store credit when they reopen.
Boomerang Kids
1315 Wellington St. West
Wellington Village
What They’re Offering:
Dollar for dollar credit, unlimited drop-offs or VIP Item pickup.
CrossFit Bytown
1040 Somerset St. West
What They’re Offering:
Classes, memberships, or straight donations to support their efforts to initiate safety measures.
Feline Cafe
1076 Wellington St. West
What They’re Offering:
Dollar for dollar credit – every dollar donated can be redeemed for store credit when they reopen!
Flamingo Boutique
233A Armstrong St.
What They’re Offering:
Dollar for dollar credit – every dollar donated can be redeemed for store credit when they reopen!
PLUS 25% donated to Parkdale Food Centre!
Flock Boutique
1275 Wellington St. West
Wellington Village
What They’re Offering:
Dollar for dollar credit – every dollar donated can be redeemed for store credit when they reopen!
Hintonburg Public House
1020 Wellington St. West
What They’re Offering:
Food; wine or beer tastings; dollar for dollar credit; or artwork, a piece of the signature art right off the wall.
Iron North Studio
1089 Somerset St. West
What They’re Offering:
Classes; Iron North merchandise; or, buy sessions with a trainer.
Wellington Vision Care
1282-C Wellington St. West
Wellington Village
What They’re Offering:
Dollar for dollar credit – every dollar donated can be redeemed for store credit when they reopen
PLUS they will donate $5 from every reward purchased to Parkdale Food Centre