Hintonburg & Wellington Village
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The block just North of Parkdale Park and Market has come a long way over the course of a few years. From being a bit desolate and bit grungy in the past, to now being fully occupied with a variety of top notch shops and services.

And now they even have a name, Parkdale Corner. This new concept, started only a month ago and was made real in the past week with the installation of a new sign. This cluster now includes Morning Owl, The Barking Barber, Flamingo Boutique, Lot 7, Full Cycle, Jamari Espresso House/Metta Movement, Railbender Tattoo, Drip House, CrossFit Hintonburg, The Carleton Tavern and Nostalgia Warehouse.

Follow the hashtag #ParkdaleCorner to stay up to date on what they are working on. You don’t want to miss what they have in store for this Christmas season, the block is going to a holiday shopping destination.