Hintonburg & Wellington Village

Parker knew there were others that needed food more. More than Parker did and more than Parker’s friends. Parker saw them everyday but never looked too closely. Today Parker would change that. Parker went to see the dog without a home. Turns out his name was Charles and his family had lost him while on vacation. The kindness of the neighbourhood kept him fed. Parker shared with him.

Parker went to visit the rabbits with so many babies. They giggled and played, and for a little while, forgot their worries. Parker shared with them.

Parker stopped by the elder squirrels’ trees. They couldn’t get around as quickly anymore and tended to gather less than they needed. Parker listened to their stories about how this whole area used to be oak trees a long time ago. Then Parker shared with them.

Parker went home with their tree full and ready for winter. They curled up in their bed with their heart full and ready for whatever tomorrow would bring.


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Download this colouring sheet of Parker the Squirrel! Colour it and bring it to Merry Dairy to be entered to win a pint of ice cream!