TASTE of Wellington West 2018 – Info For Food Sample Providers
BIA HQ: 613-729-0363; or info@wellingtonwest.ca
Once again, TASTE of Wellington West festival invites neighbours and diners from across Ottawa explore the variety of taste sensations this neighbourhood has to offer. As we have for 14 years, we will feature more than 35 restaurants and food establishments like yours offering free samples of your wares.
Some tips and guidelines to help you plan for TASTE 2018:
- Donations for Parkdale Food Centre (PFC): This year, we are offering stronger support than ever for our permanent charity partner, PFC. Before TASTE, you’ll be provided with a PFC donation jar and PFC volunteers throughout the day to refresh and collect your jar.
- Samples should be free of charge. BUT suggest donation to PFC: please cheerfully suggest that diners make a PFC donation. This is not mandatory, so no pressure, but be clear donations are appreciated.
- NEW FOR 2018: FREE Biodegradable Plates plus recycle bins: For the first time, Wellington West BIA will provide you with sturdy, biodegradable pressed sugarcane plates free of charge – and manage large green bins through the area. Please: a. let us know how many plates you need or b. use biodegradable toothpicks, cups, bowls, or napkins, NOT plastic or styrofoam!
- Sampling begins at 1 p. and ends at 4 p.m.: Some important notes:
- Recommend: one FREE sample per customer. You may sell/promote other items, and/or make special offers or coupons at the same time. But the spirit of the event is to be as free as possible.
- Recommend: Small “TASTE” samples, not full meals. The idea is to allow festival goers to visit as many venues as possible, not get a free meal at any one venue. Try to focus on small, easy-to-serve menu items that move lines quickly and leave tasters wanting more.
- You are NOT required to offer samples for the entire three hours. Samples are on a first-come, first-served basis. Try to stay open as long as you can, but if you run out, you’re free to close your station. BUT please inform customers in line know well before you run out.
- You may start later than 1 p.m., but please no later than 2:30 p.m. Many stations will run out early, so you may begin a bit later to catch crowds looking for options. Please let us know if you intend to do this, and we’ll broadcast through social media on the day.
- Lineup management: lines will form at various times and places – and can get quite long. Event volunteers will try to help manage lineups for safety and sidewalk flow.
But please let HQ know if you need more help.
- Didn’t sign up yet? NO PROBLEM! Please feel free to participate in this year’s TASTE even if you haven’t spoken to the BIA yet. We welcome ANY member business who wishes to promote themselves or add energy to our festival! Contact us if you have any questions or want ideas!
- Prix Fixe Promotion: if you are part of our Fall three-course fixed price promotion, please hand out menu cards on TASTE day, and we strongly encourage you to offer samples from your Prix Fixe menu! If not, please get in touch! There is still time to sign up for this program and get FREE menu cards!
- USE SOCIAL MEDIA! Please post during, and after the TASTE day. Tag us and we’ll share it!