Hintonburg & Wellington Village

Parker followed the kids to the next house and the same thing happened. KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK.

“Stinky Feet,” they would say and their bags would be filled with more food.

After the fourth house Parker realized that the kids were saying Trick or Treat not Stinky Feet. After the fifth house the kid dressed as a vampire realized that Parker was following them.

“You want to come trick or treat with us?” asked the vampire kid.

“It’s gonna need a costume,” said the ghost kid.

“Well, I was saving this for later…” said the football player kid as he took out a roll of toilet paper from his bag. The kids wrapped Parker with the toilet paper and let them sit on vampire kid’s shoulder. Parker was a mummy and going trick or treating!

Many houses later Parker and the kids all sat on ghost kid’s front porch eating candies, nuts and chips from their bags. Each of the kids decided to share some of their goodies with Parker. With a little more searching, Parker would have enough stored away for winter. So glad to have found these new friends, Parker’s only regret was that they couldn’t do it again the very next night!


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Download this colouring sheet of Parker the Squirrel! Colour it and bring it to Merry Dairy to be entered to win a pint of ice cream!